
Dynamic Flow

Dynamic Flow is a hybrid experience derived from various movement techniques that create a restorative and nurturing environment for well-being. This class is designed for strength, flow and flexibility, working on all muscles of the body, especially the back, the deep abdominals (core muscles) and improving the posture. Good posture is the basis of any exercise class and combined with stretching and lengthening tight muscles, you can greatly improve your strength, balance and body empowerment. This class is designed for all levels of ability, from beginners to advanced students. Knowing where to use flow and resistance brings an inner strength that you can always call upon both physically and mentally.

Body Dynamic Flow

  • In 2013 Karen and ex Scapino dancer Andreas Justrich collaborated to create the group class Body Dynamic Flow.
  • Body Dynamic Flow is a challenging, physical training method which focuses especially on fluid elegant movement patterns and mental relaxation. Body Dynamic Flow will be taught by two teachers as a master class or workshop.

Dynamic Flow / Barre Workout

This class is a combination of Dynamic Flow warm up, ballet barre, deep stretching, and core training. The results are, a fit body, long muscles, and a strong elegant posture. The Barre Workout is a perfect alternative for those who suffer with shoulder, wrist or back injuries.

Pilates Flow

Pilates Flow is a valuable class which works solely on the alignment of the body building perfect strength and flexibility. Pilates mat training is a great basis for any other forms of dance or sport. Equipment is sometimes used, including Pilates rings, Dynabands, Pilates balls and Toning balls.

Private Training

Karen provides mats and props, and of course the best teachers who will design a personal mat class exclusively for you. A one hour intensive training with maximum attention on all muscle groups, flexiblity, breathing and relaxation. Karen or another teacher will come to your home or place of work. If you prefer you may train at the studio in the Pijp. These classes are ideal for professional people who just can’t spare the extra time to get to the gym or for people who are just getting started and need some extra motivation.